Well it's been another busy week, with several outstanding tasks completed.
Starting with the allotment, I popped in to see how things were progressing, particularly the broad beans and remaining dahlias. Our local area has been subjected to a number of fairly harsh ground frosts lately, which combined with strong winds could of spelt disaster.
Fortunately all seems to be ticking along nicely. The beans look relatively healthy and are still pretty vertical and the transplanted strawberries look ok. The dahlia’s have gone black due to the frost and I'll now try and find time to dig these up. The tubers will then be washed and any rotten or damaged pieces removed. After drying they'll be stored in boxes of dry peat. Doing this means I don't have to buy new stock and can also propagate my own cuttings early in the year. They can be left in the ground over winter and covered with compost, leaf mould or straw etc for protection. My experience of doing this has been a touch hit and miss, so I prefer the earlier method.
My onion seeds have arrived from my supplier so they will be sown in the not too distant future. I get the bulk of my seeds from :-
Medwyn Williams
Exhibition Seeds
Shelley Seeds
JBA seed Potatoes
Vegetableseeds.net ( very cheap).
I rig up a small light box over a couple of heated trays in the conservatory, which my wife thinks is superb. She understands, and after all, it's only for three or four months.
This last week I've also built my mom a garden chair for her 70th birthday. Helen is making a cushion to go with it. I think she's gonna love it.
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