My leek seedlings have been delivered from my supplier today. They come through the post so need immediate attention. First off I place them into a jar of water. Then I make up a potting on mix. This is simply sieved multi purpose compost with a decent amount of vermiculite and a good pinch of nutimate . Then each leek is popped into a small pot and watered in. I'll need to stake the blanch leeks but the pot leeks should be fine. Collars will also be used on the blanch leeks to help with blanching and to keep the plant growing straight. This is a very simple method of growing leeks and is pretty basic compared to the more experienced leek growers. In a day or two i'll put up my grow light.
I've also planted my onions for the 250gm class. I'm growing vento and globo this year. I may make a second sowing in a couple of weeks , we'll see. When these have germinated they'll be potted on and will go under the lights as well. As they grow I'll select the strongest seedlings at each repotting stage, until I have about 10/15 of each variety. These seeds went into the same mix as the leeks.
On the chair front, I managed to finish it just in time for my moms birthday. I think she liked the design and was impressed with how comfortable it was. However she was far more impressed with the cushions my wife made, which just confirms my theory that she hates me!
I've got to work Christmas Day so I'll be having my turkey dinner in the next day or two. I love Christmas and am looking forward to spending it at work with some great guys.
All that remains now is to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and to remind everyone that the only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing at all!
Hi rob, like many gardeners you have started your leeks and onions of to a good start so lets hope we have some good weather to help things along. As you will remember last year was terrible and i think a lot of people had terrible problems and lost quite a lot of there seedlings which was due to the cold weather. my self ,i think one of the most important things is to make sure the seedlings have plenty of light and as you will know they need warmth. will keep in touch to see how you get on.