Tuesday 30 October 2012

HMS Dilligaf

Aside from growing and showing fruit and veg, during the dark winter months I like to take on usually impossible projects to keep me occupied. This year I have obtained a 13 ft sailing Enterprise Dinghy to restore. It was an eBay gamble which may backfire, we'll have to wait and see. I drove to South Wales to pick her up with the usual amount of drama. Had a puncture on the trailer, forgot the light board, didnt take a coat for the classic Welsh driving rain and then the weight of the boat caused my vintage trailer to collapse. Nevertheless we limped home and popped her into the garage.

The following day I had a good thorough look over the state of the boat with some trepidation. It was soon apparent that I may have a bit of a job on. While most of the hull seems fine the deck will require replacing as will the transom. I consider this a minor task but my wife thinks I'm an arsehole. So that's the winter project up and running and we'll just have to wait and see. It may be a bridge too far but remember....,,

If you fall on your face, your still moving forward!

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