Saturday 27 October 2012

Bob's Plot Update

Popped down to the plot today to check on things and all seems well. We've had a few frosts around the midlands which have seen off all the tended crops. The new strawberries I planted seem to have taken ok and hopefully will overwinter then flourish in the spring. Also I planted a few rows of broad beans (Sutton) which will be ok through the winter then in theory produce a nice early crop of beans.

1 comment:

  1. Broad beans are super hardy. I put some in the cold frame (after sprouting them inside)in the winter. Just a test you see. Come early early spring here in Nova Scotia, they took off. First time growing them but not the last. Likely a search on my blog will show where I wrote about them. Thanks for visiting it and following.

    Your plot soil looks very rich; hope you update the progress on the boat, as we are boaters over here.
