Monday 15 October 2012

If winning isn't everything...........

Hello and welcome to our blog, Growing Pains. Follow us as we endeavor to fumble our way through the wonderfully frustrating world of growing fruit and veg. 
 The 2013 season starts here for the avid gardener. Work put in now, pays huge dividends next year. A brief list of the jobs I like to crack on with in October are as follows...
 Jet wash the greenhouses
 Clean all garden tools and equipment with diluted Jeyes fluid or Amarillatox
 Cultivate the soil with compost or well rotted manure (where appropriate)
 General maintenance (sheds paths etc)
 I also add a dose of lime to certain areas to "sweeten" the soil
 Remove the sand from my long root drums to sterilize and aerate it
 Cover up whichever portions of ground will be planted up initially next year, firstly to warm it slightly and secondly to keep the weeds down

 Last but not least is to order my seeds. This is by far the highlight of many a cold winter evening. To dream of harvesting the sweetest corn or the biggest spud, or to win the heaviest marrow at the Village Fete, is what its all about. Sipping Dr Pepper with home made pickled onions is a treat that only the luckiest few have savoured .
 And remember, 

  If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep score?

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