Wednesday 17 October 2012

New Carrot Bed

Today saw me finish constructing a new raised bed made of sleepers. It is approx 4.5ft high and will hopefully accommodate 18-20 long carrots. It will be filled with sand into which I will core holes to be filled with a secret mixture. There isn't any secret really and I'll talk more about the mix I use nearer to the sowing date. One thing which I do think is important to mention is that when transferring sand from drum to drum (to aerate) I like to sterilise every ft with a weak Jeyes fluid mix. This should hopefully get rid of any nasties hiding away before next season. It's also important to allow the sand to settle before coring.
My plan is to house this bed along with a smaller one for stump carrots in either a greenhouse or a polytunnel . The jury is still out on which will be most suitable. Moving my quality carrots out of the existing tunnel, frees up more space for my giant parsnip and carrot attempt next year. Seed for this has yet to be sourced.
Most of my seeds have now been ordered for next season and I'll be making a note of these on the blog for future reference.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

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