Sunday 4 November 2012

Onions, Garlic and Decking.

Constant rain and cold wind has pretty much kept me inside this past week, meaning slow progress in the garden. The overwinter onions I planted a couple of weeks ago will hopefully be rooting themselves in. To plant these I just add a couple of handfuls of fish blood and bone, dig it in, and plant the onion so that just the tip is showing. The variety I grow is Shakespeare which have always done well for me. I grow some in the polytunnel and the others in a bed outside. That way they'll be ready at different times.
As well as the onions I popped in my garlic, Solent Wight, which again is one of my favourites. I plant them about 6-8ins deep and then cover the whole bed with cow manure. These should be ready in mid July onwards. This variety is a softneck type is excellent tasting.
On the dinghy restoration challenge I have now exposed all of the one side and fortunately all the timbers seem pretty solid. A lot of the screws that were holding the buoyancy bags in, and holding the deck down, had corroded so much that they practically fell out. I will now examine all the exposed wood to determine what exactly needs to be replaced or at least repaired. Then I can crack on with replacing the decks and gunwales. Well that's it for now.

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